Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Saturday (July 20): REALLY REALLY BIG DAY

I'm 4 months old today!  I thought I'd finally get out of having to take pictures since we are away for Aunt Mimi's wedding, but no such luck...
I've decided that resistance is I gave in and smiled.


Man, its hard to sit still for all these pictures.  Mommy says it was easier when I was teeny tiny and just laid there.

Are we done yet???

Can you believe it, they brought the bear all the way from home.


I was excited to see him, after all misery loves company!
And what better way to show my excitement than a big kiss!

Look how well I stand up now!
But my four month birthday wasn't even the most exciting thing was wedding day!!!
I relaxed by the pool with Grandma and Grandpa so I'd be ready for the big night.

I got hungry and thought I'd have a little snack.
We waited and waited and finally it was time!

And surprise, surprise...I slept!
Yup, sleeping here too :)
But I did wake up for the party!  Who is that lady and why does she look so much like Nana?!?

When are they finally going to share their food with me?
Congratulations Aunt Mimi and Uncle Jason, I love you!!!

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