Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Wednesday (July 24): Practice Makes Perfect

We went to the doctor this morning for my four month check up.  I'm definitely getting bigger but the doctors want me to get even bigger.  So they said Mommy and Daddy should start giving me real food.  So we went out right away and bought spoons and bowls.  Mommy wanted to wait for Daddy to be home before I got to try any (I think she's afraid of the mess) but she let me practice with my spoon.
I was so excited, finally somebody listened to me!!!
I know exactly where this goes!

Just a little closer...

Hey, wait a minute...isn't there supposed to be something on here?!?


I'm ready guys, bring on the good stuff!

Sunday (July 21): Winding Down

Everyone was really tired after all the partying this weekend.

But I'm never too tired to smile for Grandma!

We got really lucky and got to have some quiet time with Aunt Mimi before we headed home.  It was such a fun weekend, I can't wait to see everyone again soon!

Saturday (July 20): REALLY REALLY BIG DAY

I'm 4 months old today!  I thought I'd finally get out of having to take pictures since we are away for Aunt Mimi's wedding, but no such luck...
I've decided that resistance is I gave in and smiled.


Man, its hard to sit still for all these pictures.  Mommy says it was easier when I was teeny tiny and just laid there.

Are we done yet???

Can you believe it, they brought the bear all the way from home.


I was excited to see him, after all misery loves company!
And what better way to show my excitement than a big kiss!

Look how well I stand up now!
But my four month birthday wasn't even the most exciting thing was wedding day!!!
I relaxed by the pool with Grandma and Grandpa so I'd be ready for the big night.

I got hungry and thought I'd have a little snack.
We waited and waited and finally it was time!

And surprise, surprise...I slept!
Yup, sleeping here too :)
But I did wake up for the party!  Who is that lady and why does she look so much like Nana?!?

When are they finally going to share their food with me?
Congratulations Aunt Mimi and Uncle Jason, I love you!!!

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Thursday (July 18): Pool Time Take ???

We drove to Aunt Mimi and Uncle Jason's for the wedding.  But before the big day, we got to spend some time hanging out at their house.

I met my first cat.  Her name was Izzy.  We were both a little curious...

And then we realized we both love laying in the sun so we became friends.

It was a little warmer than the one at home.  I liked putting my toes in!
I think I could get used to this!

All of that splashing was a lot of hard work.  So I decided to float with Daddy.

And we both took a little snooze.  We had to rest up for the big weekend!

Sunday (July 15): Ride 'em Cowboy

Hi Everyone!
Daddy has been trying to get Sydney to let me ride her was his lucky day!
Sydney and I thought it was a little silly, but we've learned just to go along with it because then its over faster.

Friday, July 12, 2013

Friday (July 12): Bounce Bounce

Now that I'm a little bigger, I really like my bouncy toy.

Sydney saw me having so much fun she wanted to play too!

Look at me go!

Sunday (July 7): Pool time, take 3

Mommy and Daddy are getting really good at getting ready for the pool, maybe this time it we'll actually get to go in....

Here goes nothing!

Too cold, abort abort!

What's wrong with you guys....guess we'll have to try AGAIN...

Saturday (July 6): Look Ma, no hands!

This is my newest trick, Mommy and Daddy seem to really like this one.
After displaying my new skills, I decided to chill out for awhile.

And then I decided to practiced my surprised face, what do ya think?

And then my innocent smirk.

Hope to see you all soon!

Saturday, July 6, 2013

Thursday (July 4): Happy 4th!

Mommy and Daddy said I was too young for fireworks so I had to celebrate with this new shirt which of course meant lots of more annoying pictures. I've learned the best way to get them to stop is to just give up and smile.
Here's another smile, maybe they'll stop.
So after posing for pictures, I did some tummy time. Look how high I can hold up my head now!

Happy 4th!

Friday and Saturday (June 28 & 29): Grandparents and Ice Cream!

So excited that you came to play for the weekend!

Grandma and Grandpa picked a good weekend to come to town, there was an "all you can eat" ice cream festival downtown.
Surprise, surprise, I fell asleep.