Friday, September 26, 2014

Sunday (September 21): Ready for Winter

Apparently it gets pretty cold here so Mommy and Daddy got me some new clothes for winter.
I decided I'd better try them out
These will do nicely.  But where's the snow?!?

Saturday (September 20): Happy Half Birthday to Me!

I'm 18 months old today so of course that means its time for tons of pictures
First I sat with Stanley

Then all my myself

Then I thought it was time to get Sydney involved in the action

Then I thought I'd try out the new chair

All those pictures get boring pretty fast, so I thought I'd try and watch some Elmo

But he must have been sleeping, so I played with Sydney instead
Mommy and Daddy must have decided I had enough, because then I got to go outside and play
But it was my lucky day, since its my half birthday, Mommy made me a half a cake!

They even put one and a half candles on it for me

Now, I don't know how many of you remember last year, but I sure do!  Mommy made me a pumpkin cake and it was not very good.  But this carrot cake looks like it could be pretty tasty

Maybe I'll try just a little bite
 Mommy was so happy I liked it, she gave me my own piece!
It was so good, but I'm so tired I can hardly keep my head up...must finish cake...

I know how to finish, I'll share with my buddy Sydney!
I think she liked it too!

Friday (September 19): An Adventure

Nana and Poppa came to visit this weekend, so we decided to go to the aquarium.

Aunt KC and baby Talie came too!
There was so much to look at
They let you get really close...

I even got to go inside!

Wednesday (September 10): The Chase

My Halloween costume came in the mail today so of course I had to test it out.  Who knew that dogs eat dinosaurs?!?!

Sunday (September 7): My First Homework Assignment

Today was a busy day
First I helped Daddy get ready to mow the lawn.  He said we didn't buy a riding mower, but I think he's wrong!

Then I helped clean the kitchen floor.  Mommy says we have to get in all the nooks and crannies!

And then I did my first homework assignment from school.  Even Sydney came to see what it was all about.


Man, this is hard work!

Saturday (September 6): The Fair

Today Mommy and Daddy and I went to a local fair.

There was a lot to see and do...but my favorite was these sandbags.  They were just my size and I was in a perfect spot to direct traffic!

Helping all those people was hard work so when we got home it was time for one of my favorite snacks.  PEANUT BUTTER

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Wednesday (September 3): Figuring Things Out

Today I realized that I had been playing with my sensory table all wrong.
I am supposed to sit in the container, not next to it!

See, its way easier to fill up the cup when you are surrounded by the beans.


And using the shovel is tons more fun this way!

Tuesday (September 2): We have an Outhouse?

So Mommy and Daddy have had me practicing sitting on a big boy potty every night.
When I was playing outside today, I noticed they put one out here too.

I think I have this all figured out...right?

Saturday (August 30): Out for a Hike

Mommy and Daddy took me to a local trail for a nice trek through nature.
After riding in the pack for a bit, I decided to give Mommy a break and walk on my own.

Nature is pretty cool....and ain't I cute?

Friday (August 29): Test Drive

Today Mommy and Daddy took me to test out some playgrounds for our backyard.
First step was too try out the slide...very nice!

And the swing was perfect, I think we should buy one!

Monday (August 25): My Throne

The sequence pretty much speaks for itself. This is my favorite chair when we are chilling outside.
I am just tall enough now to climb up on my own.

I swear this is easier than it looks.

The turn is the hardest part.

Almost there....


Sunday (August 24): Hanging with the Girls

Aunt KC came over with the girls to hang out for the day.

I figured the best way to get things going was to start a dance party!