Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Tuesday (July 22): Got Milk?

Mommy and Daddy kept hearing I drink milk at daycare, so they decided to try it at home. First they had to find the right glass and Daddy said he had the perfect glass for the job.
Really Daddy, the Great American Beer Festival?? Oh well, I guess it will do.
Looks like I do drink milk!

Sunday (July 20): 16 Months!

For my 16 month birthday, we spent part of the day at the local fair.
At the petting zoo, they had a crazy assortment of animals like this camel as well as kangaroos, donkeys, alpacas, and others!

Daddy doesn't remember what this animal was,
but he felt my expression was cool so this picture made the cut.

Now these fainting goats are more my size.

I think the only reason we came to the fair was so Mommy and Daddy could get funnel cake...I had some and it was pretty good, so I guess it was a good excuse.

After we were walking around for a bit, I found this big tire, it's huge!

Oh...I get it, its a tractor.

And since it's the 20th...everyone knows what time it is!!!

Here we go again!

Last month I learned I could peel this sticker off...how long do you think it will last today?

So of course it was time for me to take pictures with Stanley.

Isn't it crazy how much I have grown?

After being inside for a few pictures, I felt it was time to go outside for some fresh air.

Ok, I think we are done for this month, goodbye!

Seriously guys, I'm outta here!!!

Saturday (July 19): Fried Cheese!?!

So there exists such a thing as fried cheese!?!?

Where has this been my whole life? Maybe I will cherish it and eat is slowly...


Friday (July 18): Visitors!

Today Lily and Maddie came to visit to celebrate Mommy's birthday.
Lily decided to read us a book...
Things went south pretty fast so I got out of there as quick as I could!


On his way home from work, Daddy stopped and bought us a kiddie pool for the back yard.

I think it looks like Sydney wants to come in...
but as everyone knows by now, she is scared of the water so she never jumped in.

Thursday (July 17): Fight the Power!

Today Mommy said I kept fighting every time she tried to put me in my chair to eat breakfast.
So we came to an accord....

I would eat as long as I got to sit like a big boy.
I think my negotiating skills are coming along just fine.

Tuesday (July 15): Summer Cleaning?

Daddy was working outside today, so I figured I would help out by sweeping up the garage.

I thought I was doing a pretty good job.

Funniest part is, in a couple of years, there is no way
Daddy will be able to talk me into cleaning out the garage!

Sunday (July 13): Heading Home

Today Mommy and I were flying back home.
 Pop was able to take us to the gate so I got some extra quality time with him.

I actually wore my headphones for Mommy on the plane while we watch some shows on the iPad.

I was so glad to see my puppy when I got home.

For some reason, I think she was pretty happy to see me too.

Saturday (July 12): A Day at the Pool

Today was a great day so Nana and Pop took me to the pool.
I was having so much fun, I even started jumping into Pop's arms!

After all that work, Mommy decided it was time for a Brusters break for ice cream.

Does it look like I enjoy this?

Friday (July 11): Party Time!

To start the day, I decided to give a clinic on how to polish off a solid meal.

After a good meal, I felt it was time to try my hand at some mechanical engineering.
The ladies always love me!

Thursday (July 10): Airport Time!

Today Mommy and I were flying back east for a party for Aunt Andie and Aunt Rachel.

As usual, I was by far the cutest kid in the airport.

When you are this cute, you just go with it!

WAIT A SECOND!!! Why would Mommy put on her mask before putting on mine!?!? 
Who wrote this???

Sunday (July 6): A Spin, a Lollipop and a Swim

So I think I heard you needed to wind up a dog by spinning their tail around...

Today was the first time I tried a lollipop...and it was from a Liquor Store....yes, my first experience in life for this staple candy was from a Liquor Store...way to go Daddy.

Now that being said, this thing was pretty awesome!

After a nice sugar high, Mommy and Daddy took me over to our neighborhood indoor swimming pool. At first I wasn't so sure about it.

But after awhile, I figured this pool would do just fine.

I even swam on my stomach like a big boy!

Saturday (July 5): Party Time!

Today we went over to a co-worker of Daddy's for a party.
Instead of a RV in the garage, they had an entire sound stage!!

I decided it was time to show off my moves again.

I was totally having a good time.
The place was so cool, they even had a smoke machine!

After all of that dancing, I was pretty hungry...

So I polished off two whole containers of the Chef...it was delizioso!
(that was Daddy's attempt at making me sound Italian...)