Thursday, May 22, 2014

Sunday (May 11): Happy Mother's Day!!!

So I took Nana and Mommy to the zoo for Mother's Day.
First we saw some chickens.

Then some sheep and goats.  I wasn't too sure about them.  They were bigger than Sydney and they smelled kinda funny.

So we got out of there and found somewhere else to play.

Mommy let me try out the slide.

It was so much fun!
We filled up the same balloon that we got Mommy and Nana last year for Mother's Day.  What a difference a year makes!!
Happy Mother's Day Everyone
Love, Jax

Saturday (May 10): These are a few of my favorite things...

 I learned how to climb up into Daddy's lazy boy and now its my favorite place to sit and read
Nana and Mommy and I spent some time playing outside today.  Nana had to stop me from trying to take a bath in the fountain :)

Friday (May 9): Fun Friday!

 Nana and Pop came for a visit this weekend.
Pop built me a new toy.  Mommy says its called a busy board

I wasn't too sure about it at first
But then I realized how many cool things there are for me to play with!  Thanks Pop!!!
And then my day got even better, we went to the farm for ice cream!  Mommy and Daddy got me my own cone...but I think Nana's looks way better.

Luckily for me, she shared :)

Then we headed home.  I'm really starting to like walking around like a big boy!

Sunday (May 4): Mozart in Training

My great-grandma has a piano that she let me try out...
I had so much fun!  Maybe if I'm really good, Mommy and Daddy will buy me one :)


That was definitely an exciting weekend!  Sydney and I were both pretty tired, so we just hung out and read once we got home.

Friday (May 2): A Trip to NY

This weekend we all went to NY to visit one of my great grandmothers and my cousins.
Great-grandmas are the best.  She shared her ice cream...

And bought me cookies!  I'm seriously considering taking up residence here :)

Friday (April 30): Long Time No See!

Hi Everybody!  Sorry its been so long...we've been pretty busy around here.  Don't worry though, Mommy and Daddy took plenty of pictures and they said they are going to get all caught up.
One of my favorite things to do now is put things into buckets and drawers.  Today, I thought I'd see if I could put myself in...

Hmm, guess this plan is a bit flawed :)