Saturday, June 22, 2013

Saturday (June 22): My new trick

Mommy and Daddy wanted to get some pictures of me holding my head up during tummy time...I had a different plan.

Thursday (June 20): 3 Months Old Today!!!

I wasn't really in the mood for posing for pictures today...
Daddy thinks this counts as a smile.
When all else fails, try Superman!  Almost a smile...
Then they sat me by my bear Stanley, who knows what that was about.

 Thank goodness we don't have to do this again for another month. 


Tuesday (June 18): Superman

Ok, I think I like this Superman thing....

Yup, this is fun!
So after that I had some tummy time with Sydney.

I didn't like tummy time too much so I laid on my back by Syd instead.

And then I tried to ride almost worked...guess I need a saddle.

Monday, June 17, 2013

Monday (June 17): First Day of School

All dressed up...

With my lunch packed and ready to go!!

Who knew school was such hard work!?

School is fun, but hanging at home with Mommy and Daddy is even better.

Sunday (June 16): Happy Father's Day!

Catching some quality time with Daddy watching the US Open.

Sydney decided to join us too.

Then I spent some time in my Bumbo with Mommy.
Too close Daddy!
Gotta love the Daddy's Little Monster outfit.
Happy Fathers Day!

Saturday (June 15): New Friends

Mike and Sofiya stopped by today and gave me this cool hat!

Wednesday (June 12): Double Fisting

Don't worry, Daddy didn't give me two beers, just two toys.


Tuesday (June 11): Up to No Good

Any questions?

Sunday (June 9): Lazy Sunday

How about a smiling baby!

Sunday, June 9, 2013

Friday (June 7): Remember That Inchworm Trick?

Well, it gets better.  Forget blankets, I can take on the boppy pillow!

Let's try that you can see it from another angle.


Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Wednesday (June 5): Bye-bye

Nana wanted Pop to take some pictures so they could show their friends.  Of course, Sydney wanted in on the action.

I wasn't really in the mood for pictures, I just wanted to eat my hands.

But I'm still pretty cute, even with my hands in my mouth :)

Sunday (June 2): Some Smiles

Mommy and Daddy are really starting to get fast at catching smiles...

So they thought they'd share a few.

I learned how to stick out my tongue and smile :)

Saturday (June 1): A Day of Firsts

Nana, Pop, Mommy, Daddy, and I all went to Lansdale day.  I got to see the fire truck.  Maybe when I'm bigger, I will get to go inside.

As usual, I slept...

Until everyone decided to try some funnel cake, man that looks good!

It was really hot outside, so when we got home we decided to head to the pool.

Unfortunately, it was still really cold, even in the kiddie pool.

But we tried a quick swim.

I kinda liked it but I think I'd rather wait until it gets a little warmer.
So we got out and got cleaned up...

And we headed home.  Maybe we can try again next weekend.


Friday (May 31): Sitting with Sydney

Nana and Pop came for a visit, so we decided to show off how I can sit in my new chair.
I think Sydney is starting to like hanging out with me!

But she sure is goofy sometimes...