Monday, April 29, 2013

Sunday (April 28): Busy Bee!

Sorry everyone, I've been super busy visiting with Aunt KC and Mommy hasn't been very good about taking pictures.  So here is a quick recap of the past few days. 
On Thursday I went to downtown Philadelphia.  We had lunch at a Burmese restaurant and then went for ice cream at a old fashioned ice cream parlor.  Like always, I slept through all of it...even the jackhammers! 
On Friday, Daddy finished at work early and we went back to Valley Forge.  It was another nice day and another outing I slept thru :)  Then Mommy, Daddy, and Aunt KC decided to go out for dinner.  We went to an Indian restaurant near where Mommy works.  While we were there, we saw some of her friends from works so after dinner we stopped by the bar for a few drinks.  Mommy says it was my first happy hour. 
Over the weekend, Aunt KC's family flew to town and I got to meet them.  I've heard so much about my cousins Lily and Maddie, it was great to see them.  They were lots of fun and I hope to see them again soon.

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Wednesday (April 24): Finally

A spring day and some nice weather!! Mommy, Aunt KC, and Sydney and I got to spend the afternoon at the park.

I caught some rays.
Then I hung out with Mommy for a while...
before I took a snooze in the shade. Good thing Sydney was there to watch out for us.
And there was still more fun for the day. Daddy, Mommy, Aunt KC and I went to a beer and chocolate pairing dinner. I slept thru the whole thing, but they said it was really yummy.

Tuesday (April 23): Another Day, Another Doctor

Today I had to go see the doctors at Children's Hospital of Philadelphia to get my legs looked at.  The doctor said since I was turned around backwards in Mommy's belly, there was a chance that things might be a little messed up.  The people there were really nice.  And the best news is that they said I was perfect.

Since we were down near the mall, Mommy and Aunt KC decided to do some shopping. I tried to get Daddy to take me with him back to work, but he wouldn't do it.  So I spent the afternoon looking for dresses.
And for shoes...every man's worst nightmare.

But when we got home I got to do tummy time on my new playmat.

And that was a lot of fun.

Monday (April 22): Still Growing

I had my one month check-up today.  The doctors were happy, I gained a whole pound since the last time I saw them.  Now I weigh 8 lbs, 7 oz.

I was just starting to think that it wasn't so bad here, but then they gave me a shot.  I'm not looking forward to going back next month!

Sunday (April 21): Hi Aunt KC


Today was a very exciting day...Aunt KC flew in from Colorado to meet me!  Mommy and Daddy and I drove down to pick her up at the airport.  It was kind of noisy down there.  As a special treat, we got to go have ice cream at Merry Mead farm.  To bad there weren't any cows to play with.  Maybe next time.

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Saturday (April 20): One Month Old Today

One month old today...of course that meant more pictures. Hopefully Mommy and Daddy got some good ones. Thanks to Aunt Mimi for finding the cool stickers!

Mommy wanted to take a few pictures in my new outfit with the sign that Nana made, but I was too busy practicing rolling on my side.

Fortunately, Mommy and Daddy had to stop because we had plans with my cousins Bob and Colby. First we took Sydney and Dylan to the dog park...if you look close, you can see her playing.

Then we hung out on the patio.

And check out what Colby found for me! 

Friday (April 19): TGIF

Relaxing with Sydney after a long week...eating and sleeping all day sure is hard work!

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Wednesday (April 17): Four Weeks Old Today!

I was not looking forward to today...I knew four weeks meant another round of pictures.  But I got lucky, Mommy says we can wait until I'm one month old to take any more of those pictures.  Not that it stopped her and Daddy from taking a ton of pictures today, but at least I didn't have to pose :)
Mommy thought we should show off all my tricks so everyone can see what a difference four weeks makes, so here goes!

When I was teeny tiny, I kept my eyes shut all the they are open for a lot of the day.

When I was teeny tiny, I made serious faces a I'm starting to smile.  (Daddy thinks its just gas, but we'll show him!)

When I was teeny tiny, I curled up real tight into a little I like to strectch my arms and legs.


When I was teeny tiny, my head flopped around a I can pick it up.

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Tuesday (April 16): Splish Splash

I can finally take a real bath!  I wasn't too sure I liked it at first...

But its definitely way better than those sponge baths from before.

Snack time, Daddy and I are really getting the hang of this now! 

Monday, April 15, 2013

Sunday (April 14): On the Road Again

Back in the car again after more goodbyes.  I may be little but I already figured out that goodbyes aren't very much fun.  Thanks Grandma and Grandpa for a great weekend!  Can't wait to see you again soon. Today Mommy rode in the back to keep me company and Sydney got to sit up front with Daddy.  I was kind of jealous, that looks way more comfortable than my carseat.

Relaxing while Mommy and Daddy unpacked.  It took forever!  I probably shouldn't say it, but I told them so!  Maybe next time they will listen and won't pack so much.

Saturday (April 13): Party Time!

Today was going to be another big day, Grandma and Grandpa invited family and friends over to their house so I could meet everyone.  We decided to have some tummy time before the party.  Everyone in the family wanted to play, especially Sydney.  I think she just wants my toy :)

Look Nana, no more cord!  I've got an innie!

Four cool is that!?!?  But why is it that I have more hair than Daddy, aren't I supposed to be the bald one?

Thanks everyone for all the great presents!  And thanks to Sydney for her help opening them.
Why are they teasing Sydney like that??  Why would anyone put perfectly good toys on the bottoms of walkers??  Sydney really wanted to play fetch...

Friday (April 12): To Grandmother's House We Go!

Relaxing in the hotel while Mommy and Daddy pack the car.  I told them they didn't need to bring so much stuff!

Ohio or bust!

Thank goodness we are finally at Grandma's!  I told her all about how Mommy and Daddy left me in my carseat for a really long time.  But it was definitely worth it to see everyone!

Later that night, I got to meet one of my Great-Grandmas.  She gives great hugs!

Mommy and Daddy went out for ice cream and Sydney and I stayed with Grandma and Grandpa.  I think Syndey was up to no good..."you are getting sleepy...give me some bacon...."