Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Monday (December 30): I'm Just Full of Surprises

As if sprinting down the hallway wasn't enough, I decided to prepare to climb Mt Everest too.

Monday, December 30, 2013

Monday (December 30): Catch Me if You Can!

No explanation required.
Any questions?

Saturday (December 28): Outdoor Fun

It was a really nice day out today, so we decided to spend some time outside.
First we went to the farm for some ice cream and Aunt Rachel let me try out her shades.

Then we went to the park where I took my new trike for a spin.

At dinner tonight, I used my "new" highchair. Mommy says that its the same highchair that my she used when she was little. My Great Aunt, Aunts Mimi and Rachel, and my cousins all used it too.

Friday (December 27): Happy Half Birthday Daddy!

Today was Daddy's half birthday.  Instead of a half of a cake, Daddy got a tiny cake.

Since it was just my size, he let me try a little bit

It was pretty good! 

Wednesday (December 25): My First Christmas

Santa must not have spent too much longer on that fire truck, because he brought me a whole lot of presents...
It seems like Mommy and Daddy need to get a bigger tree (or maybe a bigger house) next year...

IT'S WHAT I ALWAYS WANTED!!!! Wait, there's something in the box too??

I really like my new play table.  Its just my size.

Even Nelly and Sydney got into the holiday spirit, at least long enough to share a blanket.

I decided that I had to taste test every new toy I got...Mommy said I should save some room for Christmas dinner and of course dessert.

This is the greatest dessert ever!!!

The whipped cream just kept coming and coming.

In true Christmas spirit, I decided that Sydney should get a lick too.

Merry Christmas everyone!!!

Tuesday (December 24): Santa Claus is Coming to Town

Mommy and Daddy said tonight was a special night because Santa Claus would be coming to bring me presents.
What they didn't tell me was that he was coming on a fire truck. I guess his sleigh was in the shop getting tuned up.
Mommy was excited because she used to see Santa on a fire truck at my Great Grandma's house when she was little. 

Afterwards, Mommy and Daddy read me some of their favorite Christmas books.

Sunday (December 22): The Visitors Continue

Grandma and Grandpa came in today. They spent plenty of time playing on the floor with me.
First I showed Grandma how to properly operate my walker.

Then I showed Grandpa the right way to clear off the coffee table. Mommy said that if Daddy did a better job in the first place, I wouldn't have to keep doing it myself.

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Saturday (December 21): Latest Trick

So today while Daddy was watching English Futbol (I thought it was soccer, but whatever) I decided I wanted to watch something different.
First I had to make my way over to the cablebox...

Luckily there was this other box that I  was able to climb onto to let Daddy know that I didn't want to watch this anymore...

Friday (December 20): 9 Months Old Today

So by now you know the routine as well as I do...so here's the pictures for my 9 month birthday!
I figured I start off by striking a cool pose. Looks like Stanley is relaxing in the background awaiting his turn.

I decided that I should pull my self up and stand for shot this month.

Mommy thought I should just stand while she held me too, but as you can see, I tried to run away, but her grip was too solid.

Next up was with my pal Stanley. I wonder if he gets tired of all these pictures too...

A nice addition to this month was that my friends Lily and Maddie were in town for the holidays.

So we sat for a few pictures.

Another successful month under my belt...can't wait until the next one!

Sunday, December 22, 2013

Wednesday (December 18): Doctors Visit

 Today I went for another visit to the doctors. This time, they let me play on the jungle gym that they installed just for me!
I think these settings look about right.

I just had to check with Mommy first before I went for it.

Here we go!
Yup, this is a pretty fun place to visit, I can't wait until I get to come back again!

Sunday, December 15, 2013

Saturday (December 14): Lighting the Tree...and Me?

Today Mommy and Daddy got out some lights for the Christmas tree.
I thought they were pretty neat...
So I figured I should get a closer look.

Luckily Mommy and Daddy agreed, because they actually let me check them out.

They were definitely pretty cool!


Then I realized the only reason they let me see was because they wanted to take more pictures.

Who cares what their reason was...

They tasted good!

And the pictures turned out pretty cool too

It was a pretty fun afternoon.

Saturday, December 14, 2013

Friday (December 13): The Big Guy

Today Mommy and Daddy said we were going to meet a new friend named Santa. They said I should be extra cute and "nice" for him...I'm always cute and nice!
I don't know about this...

Mommy said he seemed nice, so here we go. 

Hmmmm...that's a lot of facial hair.

This guy is pretty cool, now where's my present?
What a scam, Daddy's not a present!

Thursday (December 12): The Hidden Stash

I finally found where Mommy and Daddy are hiding all of the REAL toys.
Bang Bang Bang!

Where has this been all my life!